Tuesday, May 17

A Strange Exchange…

Dear Blog--

Yes, I see you sitting there all alone without many visits from me. And it makes me a little sad.

But here’s the deal. I have a big project going on right now (which I can’t talk about with you yet – sorry).

And at the same time, Kenny and I have decided to finally tackle all the tasks we’ve been meaning to do around the house and yard “someday.”

And at the same time, Kenny and I have decided to start exercising each evening. (I’m not liking it very much, but I hear it’s good for me.)

And at the same time, I still have all my other responsibilities and activities of course.

So time has been more scarce than usual. And you’re usually the first thing to fall to the wayside.

Missing you,


Dear Karin--

Remember, I am a blog.

I’m not going anywhere.

Come see me when you can.


Dear Blog--

Thanks! You’re the best!



Dear Karin--

I know.

Go to bed.



  1. i feel teased...big project?

  2. If there is anyone in this world that can feel your pain it is I!!! Yes, your blog will be there...

  3. Good luck with your big project!

  4. Don't let me fool you, JD, it's really not that fun of a project...

    Oh, Monica, yeah. Do they make an Advil for this?

    Thanks, MaryAnne! It's moving along!

  5. you're awesome! this cracked me up! :) lisa



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