Happy birthday to Heidi... a month ago! Two weeks after the fact, we had a "Pirates & Princesses" birthday party, for which I made a cake. And two weeks after THAT fact, I'm finally posting it here. : )

Initially, I'd thought about making a
castle cake. But then figured a treasure chest might be easier, plus that seemed to fit better with both princesses AND pirates. Baked the batter in a loaf pan... and for once, the domed surface I always get on my cakes was a GOOD thing. (Well, actually I did doctor the shape up a little using some pieces from a second loaf pan of cake I baked.) Rather than making and then coloring frosting to be brown, I was smart and efficient for a change and just used store-bough chocolate frosting. The "gold" lock and stripes are not made of peanut butter (more than one person asked me that) but rather of regular white frosting colored with yellow, red, a bit of green, and who knows what other colors. Oh, and the jewelry is not edible. But the sand is! Also known as brown sugar. It's a trick I thought I'd learned from my mother, Cake Decorator Extraordinaire, but she was up here for the party and firmly maintained she'd never heard of doing that. Oh well, I learned it from somewhere else then...

And here's a side view. Since the main text says nothing about birthdays or five years, I figured I'd put a little "H5B" on the sides, in keeping with how Heidi likes to write birthday card messages. (For example, Happy Birthday Lucy is simply HBL.)
How did you pipe that lock? It looks really intricate!