So cute! Have to show some pictures from inside...

Here's the author/designer, clearly enjoying his little critters...

It tickles me, the way he posed them all and made up little stories...

Am going to love digging into this book...

But will try to wait til The Quilt is done...

Speaking of which, here it is with one almost-completely-quilted row, done in concentric squares. Finally settled on using red thread on this side -- to emphasize the red centers of each block...

...and orange thread on the other side, for some fun pep. And 'cause Al likes orange. And 'cause it's close enough to red that if (er, when) my tension is a little off (meaning thread from one side peeks through to the other) it won't be as noticeable. I'm SOOOO glad I was able to borrow my friend's machine for this part. Came with a walking foot (no ugly puckers yet -- joy!!!) plus there's a setting so when I stop sewing, the machine automatically stops with the needle in the down position. Which helps out a lot when pivoting at a corner. And considering I have ... 10 x 10 blocks x 6 squares per block x 4 corners per square... 100... carry the 2... TWO THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED CORNERS at which I must pivot, I'm happy for any help I can get.

So then, what's WILTI? Stands for Why I Love The Internet. I probably should call it HWOTTISPAAAC (Huge Waste Of Time That I Should Probably Avoid At All Costs) but WILTI is shorter and easier to type. See, I loved your name suggestions (great list, Jenny) and was all set to use "Mary Bobbins" (of course I get it, J! That's my kind o' humor! And it didn't help that I'd been singing "Supercalifragilistic" all day long -- thanks a lot, Delilah!).
But Al's girlfriend's name is Mary so don't think I want to do that after all. Had also thrown out Bob because it was a boys name, but I've always loved the name Bob, sounds so friendly to me. And who's to say a sewing machine has to be a girl anyway?!?
But then saw Dee's note. Bertha was more in line with Edna (the first name that I thought of but don't quite like). Almost perfect, except its "bigness" seems too big for my little friend.
Sooooo off to the Internet, to a site that almost convinces me to have more babies, just so I can browse all the possible names. There are a ton of "baby name" websites out there, but this one, this one is one-of-a-kind. You can type in some names you like,
e.g. Mary, Bob, Bertha & Edna,
and it'll give you similar ones, based on style, popularity, and a host of other characteristics. Try it yourself at nymbler.com; see what "matches" your family members (or be a responsible time manager and just email the link to a pregnant friend...).Really, I didn't spend too long there before finding my winner:
Beatrice Bobbins.
Or Aunt Bea, to me.
Or Aunt Bea, to me.

And since my friend's machine is a "Brother" brand, I figure this one can be
Bea's "brother," Bob.
(I wonder how my friend will like her machine's new name. Ha ha.)

Beatrice Bobbins - perfect! That quilt is looking AWESOME!! So...when you told Suzanne that inspiration for the quilt came purely from Al asking for it...does that mean that if I ask you for one...say to match my brick red family room theme...:-)
ReplyDeleteKarin, now I have to name my sewing machine that is a piece of junk. Hhhhmmm, I think I will call it "junk". :) That was fast and easy.
ReplyDeleteWe are finishing our basement and I might have to take over a room and start my "creation" room. I'll begin my throwing all my stuff in the room and then lock myself in for a few days. I'll let you know what comes out! :) I ALMOST wish I was pregnant...just so I could have an excuse to sit down and do stuff like that.
Oh yeah, I will donate all our "single" socks to you. Now, I don't have to just toss them out! :) FYI: I will wash them too for you.
Karin, I love that name Bertha Bobbins! Has a nice jolly ring to it, like Bilbo Baggins almost! And lucky Bertha B. to have her extended playdate with Bob. Also now I WANT that stray sock book you got. Stray socks I have a lot of in the house, especially wee stray socks. Still no sign of the Triangle Cow on my end- busy this weekend but am going to get to it soon.
ReplyDeleteOK, erratum. I meant Beatrice Bobbins. Sorry, Karin. Will try not to leave comments late at night when the old brain is in a coma. Duh.
ReplyDeleteDelilah-- Ask me again when Al's quilt it done. (I'm not kidding. I would like to make a "lap quilt" sometime. And if you'll willing to finance some of the supplies -- and maybe throw in a meal or two to make up for the nights my family asks "What's for dinner?" and I answer, "Ummm, sorry, I've been sewing all day..." -- then I'm game.)
ReplyDeleteJenny - you crack me up. Every time!
And LiEr, I know coma brain, but at least you can still throw around words like "erratum." So all is not lost! Maybe you can check out Socks book sometime from the Karin Lending Library... : )