I know I am not alone in starting way too many projects without finishing current ones, and I thought it’s “just who I am.”
But recently I’ve been trying a new tactic, and am liking the results.
After just two weeks of working this new system, I’m feeling less weighed down, more able to make creative decisions and move forward. I think that’s because it makes me stop and think about what’s really holding me up on a project instead of just steamrolling on to a different one.
Today, to get my current project list written down instead of endlessly swirling around in my brain, I made myself a tracking sheet, so I can see at a glance what I could work on next.
Now, off to go fill it in. Hmm, might need two…
If this might be helpful to you too, click the images below to download a letter- or A4-sized pdf:
(The little speak-bubbles at the start of each row are there to be
colored in when I’ve “used” that project as one of my “done” ones.)
Edited 4/15/2010: What was I thinking having a “Duration” column? Do I really want to know that some project took me 1 year and 5 months?!? Great idea, Chris, to change it to a “Hold Up” column, i.e. what’s keeping the project from being finished! I’ve made the change and uploaded new files.