Monday, March 8

These Shoes Were Made for Eating…

My sweet cousins turned 20 today! It was their first birthday apart – Julia over in Germany and Jana here with us. They are both such fashion mavens, so I knew what kind of cake I had to make – shoes! With high high heels!


OK, so the “Happy Birthday” only mentions Jana, but I did give a shout-out to Jana and Julia in the shoe label.


Here’s where I started, with some inspiration and two loaves of chocolate cake.


And here’s where I almost gave up, after trying who knows how many approaches, and cutting up the loaves more and more with each idea, and not being able to make any more cake because I was all out of eggs.


Called it a night, woke up the next morning with fresh eyes, remembered that the wedding cupcakes were made with no eggs, called the early-rising baker friend for the recipe, and we were back in the game. Covered the cardboard with fondant and made a cake for the shoes to sit on, so there would be more than just four servings of shoe cake to eat!


Happy birthday, my cuties. Wish you were here too, Julia!




  1. Wow, what a really, really cool pie. Those shoes are great, I'm impressed! Happy birthday, Jana and Julia!

  2. More than I ever imagined- those heels are amazing! I so enjoy watching you create

  3. That is an awesome cake!!!! Your creativity is amazing :)

  4. As we say here in Maine - wicked clev-ah! I'd eat that old shoe leather any day.

  5. Hallo Karin, vielen Dank für diesen tollen Kuchen für Jana (und Julia)!
    So etwas tolles hätte ich nie zustande gebracht. Alleine die Idee, aber erst die Ausführung, echt super!
    Für mich war dies der erste Geburtstag meiner Töchter, an dem sie beide weit weg waren - äußerst komisches Gefühl! Can you imagine??

  6. Oh my..... , I never seen anything like this wonderful cake :o)

    Love, Anne:)

  7. Wow! I cannot believe you made a high heel cake!!! Unbelievable! I might have to steal your idea ;-) as I know exactly the right person who would love such a cake!
    Did you make the soles out of cardboard? What did you use to make the heels? I would have never believed that this can actually be done! What an awesome job!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Thanks for your kind notes, everybody!

    Jutta, nein, ich kann es mir nicht vorstellen. Oder wenigstens WILL ich es mir nicht vorstellen. Wie heisst "Denial" auf Deutsch? ha ha!

    Miss Muffin, yup, cardboard and toilet paper tubes. I can probably post some photos later this week...

  10. Thanks for the answer! Toilet tubes ... unbelievable! :-)
    Am looking forward to more pictures ... (but take your time).



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